It is our pleasure to announce the upcoming HEARRING Round Table, which is just around the corner! It will be dedicated to the topic “Programming Cochlear Implants: Art or Science? And why it’s interesting for surgeons too!”
It will take place in Zoom on the 7th of February at 12:00 CET.
The moderation will be done by the remarkable Prof. Dr. Gavilán and the introduction by our renowned expert Prof. Dr. Baumgartner. The discussion panel will bring together such brilliant minds as Dr. Anja Kurz, Prof. Dr. Artur Lorens, Prof. Dr. Dayse Tavora-Vieira, Prof. Dr. Griet Mertens and Prof. Dr. Mohan Kameswaran.
The aim of the event is to conduct case discussions about best Clinical Practice with a special focus on fitting. Our panelists will discuss some interesting cases from their practice explaining the reasoning behind their choice as well as focusing on the patients’ history, objective measures in these particular cases, the essential fitting parameters, surgery details and the final outcomes.
HEARRING is also excited to announce that this event will receive international accreditation in the amount of 1,5 CPD points.
In case you are located in a different time zone, you can check the event time here: https://globaltimeconverter.com/
To join us at the time of the event click the Zoom link below:
Meeting ID: 840 1573 6806
Passcode (if required): hearring
International accreditation:
This event has received internationally acclaimed accreditation in the amount of 1,5 CPD points. The viewers of the Round Table can download their certificates by registering at https://boost.hearring.com/ and accessing the event via the platform HEARRING Boost.
We anticipate an outstanding discussion, so save the date and join us online and don’t forget to spread the word among your peers!