Structure Preservation in Cochlear Implantation


HEARRING is truly glad to continue spreading the knowledge in the field of auditory science by continuously creating and sharing NEW courses.

This time, our brilliant expert Prof. Dr. Gunesh Rajan will be addressing the subject of Structure Preservation in Cochlear Implantation in a concise yet comprehensive manner in the latest course – available now online in the Knowledge Boost section on our website. 

You can find the full video course by clicking this link : 

COVID-19 section

covid19 pandemic HEARRING

We decided to take initiative based on the current affairs and launch a new extremely important section about COVID-19. We believe that we all face this crisis together; and by pooling collective knowledge worldwide, we can progress faster in the process of conquering the virus. Therefore, HEARRING Group would like to once again bring attention to our two latest online events regarding the topics of “Setting new standards in clinical practices in the COVID-19 era” and “Audiology services during COVID-19”. Moreover, following the online round table discussion on the matter of “Audiology services during COVID-19”, experts all over the world took part in a survey on the subject. The findings are available in our COVID-19 section. Additionally, HEARRING picked the most relevant COVID-19 publications resonating through the field of auditory science. 

Find the link to the section above.

Audiology Services during COVID-19


HEARRING members are successfully continuing to adapt to the new format of online events and keep up the collective effort of maintaining the excellence of ENT practice worldwide. Our second online meeting was held on June 26th and was dedicated to the topic of Audiology Services during COVID-19. It was hosted by Prof. Ranjith Rajeswaran and Prof. Baumgartner; and  involved such prominent experts in the field as Dr. Anja Kurz, Prof. Dr. Dayse Tavora, Prof. Dr. Griet Mertens, Prof. Dr. Meg Dillon and Dr. Saranya Narayan. 

To learn more about the subject don’t hesitate to click on the video below and access the full recording of the event : 

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Correction: The correct gas sterilization method is Ethyleneoxite (and not Glutaraldehyde)

Setting New Standards in COVID-19 Era

Round Table Discussion Covid Hearring


Numerous events have been cancelled all around the world due to the spread of COVID-19. However, HEARRING network members found a way to stay connected and maintain the co-active spirit even in those challenging times. An online round table discussion took place on May 23rd focusing on the extremely relevant topic of “Setting New Standards in Clinical Practice in the COVID-19 Era”. The discussion was moderated by our renowned expert Prof. Mohan Kameswaran and the board of speakers included such outstanding professionals as Prof. Wolf-Dieter Baumgartner, Prof. Joachim Müller, Prof. Javier Gavilán Bouzas, Prof. Vedat Topsakal, Prof. Vlad Kuzovkov and Prof. Manoj Manikoth.

As a result, the following has been conveyed: Cochlear Implant surgery is not an elective surgery. In some cases it’s an emergency surgery. For example, in the case of neuro-linguistic emergencies, when children are suffering from bilateral severe to profound deafness in the timeframe of high plasticity of the brain, the surgery shall not be delayed for more than one month. See below, to join the full event and to find out more about the main conclusions in the picture gallery.

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Recap Würzburg 2020

Hearring members Würzburg

All of you had a chance to see the invitational post to this year’s 32nd course on microsurgery of the ME & auditory implants in Würzburg, Germany on the 17-19th February 2020.

Now, exactly one month later, we would like to share with you a few prime moments of this outstanding event hosted by Prof. Dr. S. Dazert and Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. R. Hagen. 

Incredibly enriching content of this course included live surgeries of Stapes, Tympanosplasty and Soundbridge as well as of Cholesteatoma, Revisions and CI plus skull-base surgery of auditory implants. 

Moreover, the introducing lectures were dedicated to the following topics:

  • Temporal Bone Preparation (by K. Rak)
  • Basics of Tympanoplasty (by R. Mlynski)
  • Surgical Treatment of Otosclerosis (by S. Dazert)
  • Surgical Treatment of Cholesteatoma (by S. Plontke)

Special lectures covered tips and tricks in Middle Ear Surgery (by J. Helms) as well as a hands-on temporal bone laboratory workshop , and last but not least the auditory implant lectures focused on bone conduction implants (by  J.Gavilán), active middle ear implants (by M. Zernotti), cochlear implants (A. Radeloff).

One of the highlights was definitely the HEARRING comprehensive lecture on the matter of the future of inner ear treatment (by H. Staecker) followed by another hands-on temporal bone laboratory workshop. 

To sum it up, the 32nd course on microsurgery of the ME & auditory implants in Würzburg was an overall success as this educating event contributed to more comprehensive, co-active, innovative surgical approaches.

On behalf of our HEARRING Team, we would like to thank all of the participants and organizers for making Würzburg event extraordinary.


More than a tradition

Hearring members Würzburg

The ENT experts meet in Würzburg 2020

Würzburg, Germany has been considered the mecca of the field already for over 61 years; and the determination and inspiring atmosphere have never been stronger.

The ENT experts met in Würzburg 1959

…as captured on the right-hand side in the snippet of MAIN POST journal.

experts 1959 Hearring

& what did the participants think?

“Great course overall: open discussions & questions from audience were much appreciated and informative, good time scheduling, very interesting and comprehensive content…”


“A truely great course,
also very useful for beginners like me
who have never actually performed middle ear surgery…

“Very good live surgery, excellent. The 3-dimensional demonstrations are incredible. Very helpful consultants in the temporal bone practise…”

WCA 2020 postponed

Warsaw update Hearring events

Warsaw, Poland

We are sorry to inform that due to the current development of the situation with Covid-19, the XXXV World Congress of Audiology Warsaw, Poland will be postponed to next year, concretely April 18–21, 2021

Thank you for your understanding and stay safe out there!

For more information please visit the official website of the congress: .

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ACIC 2020 postponed

ACIC 2020 update HEARRING events

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

We are sorry to inform that due to the current development of the situation with Covid-19, the 2nd Arab Cochlear Implant Conference will be postponed to September 24 – 26, 2020

Thank you for your understanding and stay safe out there!

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2nd Arab Cochlear Implant Conference 2020 (ACIC)

Dubai HEARRING event

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

ACIC is considered to be the most prominent and largest conference in the field of ENT and Cochlear Implant in the Middle East and around the globe. This event will take place on the 16-18th April 2020 in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, and will be hosted at Intercontinental Hotel by Prof. Abdulrahman Hagr.

The agenda will address new trends and opportunities of the current and advanced demands of the ENT profession. Once again, acclaimed scientists, specialists, consultants, therapists, academicians and other interested participants will be unified by the exceptional scientific program (the agenda is enclosed below). Moreover, the HEARRING Group is proud to present a symposium on the second day of the event – the 17th of April at 8am local time.

More detail can be found on the official website 

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11th Workshop Microsurgery of the Ear and Hearing Implants Halle-Rostock

Rostock HEARRING events

Halle-Rostock, Germany

Prof. Dr. Robert Mlynski and Prof. Dr. Stefan Plontke would like to invite you for “the 11th Workshop Microsurgery of the ear and Hearing Implants Halle-Rostock”. The workshop will take place in Rostock on March 9th – 11th 2020 and will expand on the topic of chronic middle ear disease as well as cover the use of classical microsurgery of the middle ear and modern hearing implant systems for comprehensive hearing rehabilitation.

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12th Workshop Microsurgery of the Ear and Hearing Implants Halle-Rostock

Halle-Rostock, Germany

HEARRING is excited to announce the 12th workshop on the Microsurgery of the Ear and Hearing Implants! It will be held onsite in Rostock on 7-9th of March 2022, in conjunction with the Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg.

The management of chronic middle ear disease is one of the most fascinating aspects in the field of Otorhinolaryngology. The surgical anatomy of the temporal bone is both appealing and challenging to grasp at the same time. Additionally, there are many different ways to treat the complex nature of chronic middle ear disease and hearing impairment. This course addresses residents as well as experienced otorhinolaryngologists and all other professionals dealing with hearing impaired patients.

In order to give a comprehensive structure for hearing rehabilitation using classical microsurgery of the middle ear as well as modern hearing implant systems, this course is structured in:

  • Lectures on basic principles of middle ear disease and microsurgery of the temporal bone
  • Commented live surgery with ultrahigh resolution 3D imaging, providing identical surgical views for participants and surgeons using a fully digital 3D microscope
  • Systematic temporal bone exercises under the supervision of highly experienced otosurgeons

The course will feature such outstanding speakers as Prof. Dr. med. John Dornhoffer, Mr. Neil Donnelly, Dr. med. Daniel Cantré, Dr. med. Wilma Großmann, Prof. Dr. med. Florian Hoppe, Prof. Dr. med. Robert Mlynski, Prof. Dr. med. Marcus Neudert, Dipl.-Ing. Tobias Oberhoffner, Prof. Dr. med. Stefan Plontke, Prof. Dr. med. Mark Praetorius, PD Dr. med. Sebastian Schraven, Prof. Dr. med. Konrad Schwager, PD Dr. med. Miklós Tóth, Dr. med. Sara Maria van Bonn and Dr. med. Lichun Zhang.

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