Halle-Rostock, Germany
HEARRING is excited to announce the 12th workshop on the Microsurgery of the Ear and Hearing Implants! It will be held onsite in Rostock on 7-9th of March 2022, in conjunction with the Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg.
The management of chronic middle ear disease is one of the most fascinating aspects in the field of Otorhinolaryngology. The surgical anatomy of the temporal bone is both appealing and challenging to grasp at the same time. Additionally, there are many different ways to treat the complex nature of chronic middle ear disease and hearing impairment. This course addresses residents as well as experienced otorhinolaryngologists and all other professionals dealing with hearing impaired patients.
In order to give a comprehensive structure for hearing rehabilitation using classical microsurgery of the middle ear as well as modern hearing implant systems, this course is structured in:
- Lectures on basic principles of middle ear disease and microsurgery of the temporal bone
- Commented live surgery with ultrahigh resolution 3D imaging, providing identical surgical views for participants and surgeons using a fully digital 3D microscope
- Systematic temporal bone exercises under the supervision of highly experienced otosurgeons
The course will feature such outstanding speakers as Prof. Dr. med. John Dornhoffer, Mr. Neil Donnelly, Dr. med. Daniel Cantré, Dr. med. Wilma Großmann, Prof. Dr. med. Florian Hoppe, Prof. Dr. med. Robert Mlynski, Prof. Dr. med. Marcus Neudert, Dipl.-Ing. Tobias Oberhoffner, Prof. Dr. med. Stefan Plontke, Prof. Dr. med. Mark Praetorius, PD Dr. med. Sebastian Schraven, Prof. Dr. med. Konrad Schwager, PD Dr. med. Miklós Tóth, Dr. med. Sara Maria van Bonn and Dr. med. Lichun Zhang.